Sinclair Cabocel is aN NYC-based author

Primarily focused on both short and long-form fiction, Sinclair writes to expose the tenuous underlying principles that govern contemporary late-capitalist society—and under what circumstances such principles are permitted to bend and break. Refusing to be bound by a single genre, setting, or tone, his stories span sociological strata, speculative near-futures, and even species. Sinclair’s work can be recognized by its confident prose styling, economical yet high-impact imagery, and multi-faceted thematic layering. While Sinclair’s writing is capital-L Literary, he prides himself on composing pieces that offer value to critics and layreaders alike.

Sinclair studied English and Economics at the College of William & Mary (as a 1693 Scholar) and at Oxford University, and he is currently an MFA candidate at Columbia University. A fixture at several writing groups and open mics, he can often be found holding court at various cafés and clubs across Lower Manhattan, where he currently resides. His fiction has been published in J Journal, the Chicago Quarterly Review, failbetter, and Cleaver

He is currently querying a short story collection, HYPERREAL, and a novel, FOLLY BRIDGE.